Donors & Supporters
Thank You!
With gratitude, the Youngstown Symphony Society gratefully acknowledges the support of these individuals, institutions and corporations whose annual gifts help to make possible the Society’s programming and educational and outreach activities*.
$10,000 and above
Pollock Personal Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
Jane Holly Love Fund (in memory of Catherine Wood Powers, Emily Park Powers and John Weed Powers)
The Youngstown Foundation
$2,500 – $4,999
Karr Foundation
$1,000 – $2,4999
Mr. Gregory George
Fibus/Hendricks Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell
Frances Schermer Charitable Trust
Bernard and Elaine Soss Family Charitable Trust
Mr. Bruce Zoldan (in honor of Patricia Syak)
$500 – $999
Mr. John Callery
Mr. Jim Dascenzo
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Havalo
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Satre
Ms. Dorothy Palguta Tesner
$250 – $499
Mr. Willard Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Downie
Mr. Paul Grapperhaus (in memory of Emily Powers)
Mr. Paul Homick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Logan (in memory of Randall Craig Fleischer)
Ms. Judy K. Powers (in memory of Emily Powers)
Mr. Alan Stiver
$100 – $249
Mr. Stephen Carattini
Atty. Diane L. Chermely
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnson (in memory of Emily Powers)
Ms. Margaret Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Legow
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller
Ms. Natalie Paull (in memory of Norma Jean Gavini Paull Powers)
Morris and Esther Simon Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Gloria Slocum